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Ryuta Taki

Excitement for people
Solutions for the fashion industry
Sustainability for the environment and society

Excitement for people
Solutions for the fashion industry
Sustainability for the environment and society

The words above articulated by STYLEM, which has a long history since its founding as Takisada in 1864, expressing "what kind of company we are in this era and beyond."

Our guiding principles have always been to:
- Anticipate needs and create innovative products
- Create new demands and markets
- Create customer-centric solutions
And the world we desire to realize is one where each individual can live their own "style", surely making their lives richer and more profound. With this vision in mind, we strive in our daily work to respect the dignity of each individual, and aiming to create for them.

We aspire to be a group of people who embrace responsibility with integrity, dare to challenge the norm even in the face of adversity, treat each other with empathy and compassion, and inspire each other to grow.
Together, we aspire to be a group that embodies resilience and kindness, making a positive impact on the world.

Our creed is to discern the essence behind the various phenomena that appear before us, and to possess the flexibility to confront complex and interconnected events. For the past 160 years since our founding, amidst the ever-changing tides of time, we have taken on various challenges while continuously pursuing the essence of things.

We challenge the status quo, questioning what is considered normal, and innovate to establish new norms. Creating tomorrow's style is our mission.

President, CEORyuta Taki

Time moves in cycles,
And never returning nature is human.
Time moves in cycles
And the most typical of this is fashion.
The nature of the universal law is vague and formless.
Therefore, has various shapes and wears colors of the time.
The nature of the universal law is vague and formless.
Therefore, is never reached though pursued in tide.
We state our mission As to pursuit the universal law hidden within the shifting nature of fashion.
For the strong belief in the constitution,
We take ultimate responsibility to innovate the trend of fashion.

Having taken fashion as our calling,
Care people by manifesting to the society,
The shapes and colors required of the time on universal law. Our strive to master fashion as our being,
Comes from the belief that only through knowledge in reality Will bring us closer to the universal law.
We have chosen to embark the difficult journey.
For this is the only course of action to us.
Examine the past; not regret.
Analyze the present; not anguish.
Desire the future; not despair.
Be specialized in all.
We will take the difficult journey.
We have as much strength as kindness.
